Welcome to City of Surrey
Business Licensing Online.
To apply for a new business license, renew
or change your Surrey business license,
please use the links below.
Click here to pay for your Business License renewal or make changes to your account
Business License Number:
If you require assistance logging in, please call the City of Surrey, By-law & Licensing Section at
Click here to apply for a new Business License
Do you agree or disagree with the Privacy Statement?
Personal Information is collected by the City for the purposes of processing your business license application, updating our business directory, updating businesses on any changes to our by-laws that might affect your business and providing you with information about your industry and about grants that may be available to you.
Business licenses are public records and are available in various additional publications on the City website and in hard or soft copy format.
The City of Surrey is collecting this information under s.26 (c) of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
and the
Community Charter
, Division 9.
For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the By-law & Licensing Section, 13450 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 1V8, 604-591-4370.